MOND’Alim 2030 : the governance and regulation of food system globalization - Analyse n°115
Based on the Chapter 6 of the MOND'Alim 2030 book written by the Center for Studies and Strategic Foresight, this Analysis describes the core trends of the governance of food systems: a multilateral framework encountering more and more competition, the convergence between agricultural policies and normative food standards, but still with limited coordination in some cases, and the increasing number of private initiatives.
07 août 2019 Info +

Information, knowledge, innovation: the other side of food system globalization - Analyse n°113
Based on the Chapter 3 of the MOND'Alim 2030 book written by the Center for Studies and Strategic Foresight, this Analysis presents the major changes in food systems in terms of information flow, R&D and dissemination of innovations.
07 août 2019 Info +

Globalization through trade in food products: structural trends and an explorative prospective analysis - Analyse n°102
Based on the Chapter 2 of the MOND'Alim 2030 book written by the Center for Studies and Strategic Foresight, this Analysis draws out the main characteristics and trends in agrifood trade (increasing numbers of flows, countries and products, an expanding role for private-sector actors, value chain segmentation, etc.) and formulates hypotheses for the next fifteen years.
07 août 2019 Info +

MOND’Alim 2030 : the transformation of public risks and issues - Analyse n°112
This Analysis, based on Chapter 4 of /MOND'Alim 2030/ published by the Centre for Studies and Strategic Foresight, presents the risks and public problems at the heart of the globalization of food systems.
14 mai 2019 Info +

Food behaviours as reflections of globalisation: trends to 2030 - Analyse n°103
This note draws the main trends on food behaviour from the first chapter of the MOND'Alim strategic foresight exercise led by the Centre for Studies and Strategic Foresight (CEP).
13 décembre 2018 Info +