paysage de champs

28 octobre 2021 Info +

Agricultural landscape heterogeneity, biodiversity and ecosystem services - Analysis n°163

Biodiversity decline threatens the production of ecosystem services and global food security. Among other causes, agriculture, deforestation and artificialisation contribute to this decline by fragmenting and shrinking natural habitats. Among the agro-ecological practices that make it possible to reconcile agricultural production and preservation of the environment, some are related to the structure of agricultural mosaics, at the farm or landscape level. This brief presents the main characteristics of these practices and, based on a review of the literature and an analysis of French land parcels, proposes a few courses of action

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The notes published in the CEP Analyses series present in 4 pages the main reflections on a topical subject falling within the fields of intervention of the ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation. Depending on the issue, they favor a prospective, strategic or evaluative approach.